Weather at Carbondale

Temperature: 78.1 °
Current Weather: A Few Clouds and Breezy
Date:  Oct 22
Time:  15:08:02
Wind:  South at 20.7 gusting to36.8 MPH (18 gusting to 32 KT)
Temperature:  78.1 F.
Dewpoint:  41.0 F.
Relative Humidity:  27%
Pressure:  30.03 inches
Heat Index:  78
Wind Chill:  
Sunrise:  0612 CST
Sunset:  1710 CST
Twenty-Four Hour Summary

Temperature: μ = 58.35, σ = 12.7

Pressure: μ = 30.16, σ = 0.04

------ CURRENT FORECAST ------ CURRENT RADAR ------ TEMPS AT A GLANCE ------ Dew Point Data ------

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